In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards more natural and holistic approaches to health and wellness. This shift extends to oral care, where many individuals are reevaluating the ingredients in their toothpaste. One term you might have come across is “fluoride free toothpaste.” In this blog, we will explore who should use Fluoride free Toothpaste and who should use toothpaste with fluoride.
Understanding Fluoride
Fluoride is a mineral that has long been praised for its role in preventing tooth decay. It’s commonly found in toothpaste, mouthwash, and even tap water in some regions. The idea is that fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acid and decay causing bacteria. When you visit a dentist for Anti-cavity treatment , do you know, What he does? The answer is “A LAYER OF FLUORIDE” is applied over the teeth. “Then why we need Fluoride Free Toothpaste?”Benefits of FLUORIDE
Fluoride has undeniable benefits when used in appropriate amounts.- Fluoride strengthens teeth structure and reduces risk of cavity by approximately 25%.
- It Remineralize tooth Enamel and reverse tooth decay
- It slows down the process of Demineralisation
- It inhibits the growth of cavity causing bacteria
‘Fluoride is safe when used properly & optimally ‘rather ‘ Fluoride is good for teeth health’
Why carinil Xylitol+ toothpaste contains fluoride?
“Xylitol has Synergistic Therapy Effect when combined with NaF ( Sodium Fluoride)”
‘Synergistic Anti- Cavity effect ‘of xylitol with fluoride, means the combined effect is many times more significant than both of them could have individually. Xylitol & fluoride together have a synergistic effect on the acid production of bacteria. Xylitol has potential to enhance inhibitory effects of low concentration of fluoride( Karger c 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel 0008-6568/03/0.376- 0.425-19.50/0)Carinil contains safe quantity of fluoride required for healthy teeth.
Along with the above proven facts fluoride in toothpaste helps prevent cavities by strengthening tooth enamel and returning minerals to tooth surfaces. Fluoride can also reverse early signs of tooth decay.- Fluoride Reduces demineralization: Fluoride can reduce demineralization of enamel and promote its remineralization.
- Inhibits bacteria: Fluoride can inhibit the metabolism of bacteria.
- Protects against decay: Fluoride can protect teeth against decay by slowing acid production of bacteria and helping strengthen developing enamel.
Who should Avoid Fluoride Toothpaste
- Kids below 6yrs
- Who already have fluorosis
- Who live in an area with high fluoride water
- Excessive fluoride intake during early childhood can lead to dental fluorosis, which causes discoloration and pitting of the teeth.
- Some health risks associated with excessive fluoride consumption